
destinations in mind.

this summer was one of the best i've ever had in the city of Boston - and barely did any kind of escaping. until this summer ive always felt that i needed to get a breath of non-city air every 6 or 8 weeks. and i haven't felt that in a long time. for a summer that lasted so long (yes, it was 60 degrees the first week of december) i've been completely content and comfortable in my city -- only leaving once in September and once in November for thanksgiving.

until last week, i never saw myself leaving boston ever again. i actually really have found my home here and i had to come to terms on that independently. ive recently made new friends, have had many new ideas, and have reconnected with old friends who make me laugh until my stomach hurts. i still have that part of my heart that wants to jet to california forever, but for now -- i just think i really need a vacation.

money is a really important factor when considering a vacation -- but doesn't mean that i need a lavish vacation to refresh my life. actually, im way more on the side of spending the least amount of dough you can while visiting another place -- and doing so makes your journey so much more exciting.

here are a few places that i would love to journey to in the next few months:


Sunrise at the Gate
Originally uploaded by John Rav

ive been hearing so many great things about this "windy city" lately -- and how the young generation of chicago is boosting its art culture much more these days. my coworker raves about the city -- and has been on my mind all year!


if you know me, the reasons are pretty obvious here. i want to tour the entire European Union before I hit 30 years old, but the next stop MUST be this amazing city of Amsterdam

well, actually thats all i can think of for now. anyone want to help me get to these places or know of any deals that are coming up for airfare? i got the travel BUG! :D

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